Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe
Send it..

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mark Twain

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Shays Top 20 of "send it"

1. Acquiring a lifetime friend that had enough balls to go, cut her hair, and get a huge ass tat.
2. Living in a tipi
3. Walking the streets of San Fran getting into fake fights to see peoples reaction
4.  Having Als grandma and friends make us dinner
5.  Dance battles in whistler
6. Getting yelled at in 7-11 in Hong Kong for pushing hot choc button to hard.
7. Taking pics of naked boy at bar on Koh tao and riding the boat with him the next day.
8. 16 hour fml flight.
9. dancing in living room after watching "get rich or die trying"
10. Disneyland
11. Buying kicks in Hong Kong
12. Getting KFC in Hong Kong.
13. Drinkin smirnoff on the streets of Hong Kong.
14. Safe-ways pot stickers
15. Getting yelled at in Oregon by bitch lady in coffee shop.
16. Cliff jumping in Mount Hood
17. Fire in Mount Hood "freestyle"
18. Club in Vancover
19. Sleeping By lake in Whistler
20. Making prank call video in Portland.

Yellow brick road

It is hard for me to keep down my anxiety level when I went from three months of continuous traveling and daily adventures to a more stable atmosphere. I think about how hard it was for Al and I to have enough balls to go about and do what we did. I think about the hard days and how much we grew along the way. I remember how we were stuck in uncomfortable situations forced to be strong. I think about the days we cried. I think about the days we missed our peeps and pushed ourselves saying "do things we would never normally do". I think about the time we jumped off the cliffs and had a hot air balloon ride.

Last night I lay in bed with being "stressed out" for the first time in what seemed like months. I started thinking of our travels and almost got mad at myself for being stressed about minimal ever day situations when there is an entire world out there full of beauty. I came to the conclusion that sometimes life hurts (and you cry in a bathroom so that no one can see...but long for attention and love hoping that u are found). It is unfortunate that it is necessary for us to occasionally suffer but ultimately makes since. We are all under the same sun trying to acquire, accomplish, sort out, do, become. We know and feel right from wrong and yet sometimes question a decision. We have doubts. We feel as if some is deserved or owed. We expect. We push. We cry, laugh, sing. We desire to be noticed and accepted. Then we hurt some more knowing its not always perfect. We start to become AWARE. We grow....we change once more.....and again and agian. We see others. We help. We teach. We inspire motion in other:) We figure out what really matters (which weens away at time) . We laugh and smile while thinking in our head "please dont let this moment go away". We stay awake just to be there one minute longer.
While laying in bed I think ......"Please NEVER let my memories of  Send It subside".

Friday, December 2, 2011

Cali baby

There is so much to say. To be honest I have no idea where Al is nor what she is doing. I have only spoke to her twice in the past month. As much as I try to live life in the moment in the "now" my mind is all over the place. Ky and I are true Ski bums. We live a life of low stress and  life that I assume many wish that they could live. We live with two homies and a chick. I have never met such rad peeps. They were kind enough to let us into their pad (cabin) without a payment until we started to work. We are officially California residence! It feels good to have the new scene and the new life. We work on the mountain and we ride almost every day. We have access to Northstar, Squaw Valley, Alpine and Donner. My mind is free on the mountain. Ky hit those rails like a mad man. I swear she is accident prone and our day usually ends with her saying " I gotta go im hurt". I keep it easy and loft off of shit. Air born oh ya! We are about to hit up Lake side where half the town thinks we are Aussie due to our fake accent. Oh gosh! Peace out send it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heber City.

I reckon the ladies r still in bed. It is approx 7 somethin at the butt crack of dawn. The frost is on the windows and i am stoked for snow to fall. I spend about an hour a day checking out reviews on boards and putting them into the shopping cart (I cannot afford). Our Ky turned 26 on the 22nd! I was a cranky bitch that day. Erin said "Shay its no Koh Tao but this is home and this is ur family". Ha.......oh please. Still gotta make some apology phone calls. I would also like to announce.....I have received several comments in regards to my spelling. IN My defense it is due to the following: A. I use abbreviation to look cooler B. I type way to fast and am to speedy to notice errors. C. I really did not listen bout 3rd grade up. So ur (yes I know its you'r) going to have to deal. The girls and I are busy applying for work and looking for housing in Tahoe. We will leave on the 1st. As for now we must prep for Halloween to be the hottest chicks in town ;)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


We are in Utah with an appropriate internet connection and there is to much to say. So considering it was muggy as fuck and the connection sucked were a bit behind on the posts. After a 17 hour flight were feelin a bit funky. Were currently chillin at the local coffee shop in Heber City. So lets back track a bit. Were on our way to the Full Moon party in our taxi full of foreigners and we nail a scooter with three Thai chicks on it. Thank god they were ok. The party had 30 thousand people and was insane! People were dancing along the beach with music and lights everywhere. Al and I walked around in awww. Talk about a gnarly experience I will always remember. Back to Koh-Tao. Ross this spunky lil Scotland dude was always sayin hi to Al and he. We ended up kickin it with him and his buddies during the day and later hit up the Koh-Tao pub crawl that our friend Jake was workin. These boys were locals and our best buddies on the island. The pub crawl was killer fun! It entailed a shirt, a bucket, and a shot at every bar. We ended up at the Lady Boy show. I dont even kno what to say about that! Holy goodness. Those Lady boys r prettier than us;) U always here rumors about the local boys hookin up with them. Hmmm. I went to pull mula outa my account and my account had been froze. FML! Im bummin out at the b-fast shop on the island and this blk dude starts chattin it up with me. We listened to hip hop and danced in the restaurant. He took me on a scooter ride up to his nice as pad on the top of the hill. He took me to dinner and AL and my friends kept walkin by laughing. Apparently he was a famous diver and all over the Padi magazine. Ah.....who cares! I was not into him. I dissed him hard core and met back up with Al and the local boys. Ross was bummin cuz he saw me with the Padi dude so I went to go find him. Cute lil guy.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Just chillin

Ladies, congrats on the 2 mth anniversary. (you 2 sound like lebians) Unfortunetly I was unable to go to Texas cause the ticket sitch did not work out... so Im just truckin it wherever I can find a bed till you two get home.. (no really hurry, Im dying of boredom) Like your days, mine consists of waking up roughly around 10am, watching my buddies Regis, Kelly and Hoda, then trying to get the energy to road bike and possibly washing my hair that day.... or just throwing a beeny on. Pretty rough life. Im not missing the work thing though.. but when we get to truckee, I need a job asap. Im running on about $150 so shay ole buddy ole pall... unfortunetly I will be unable to help with gas and stuff. ha ha ha jk (so something I would say) Eright... well I best get back to my epic adventure of a day. BTW.. me and Erin were fighting and we held out for alot longer than usual. But the sistas are back on track! ha ha ha! we all have the funniest friendship. aahhh cant wait to see you two. Love ya sooo much! give gimp a kiss for me!
Ky out!